Q: How does chiropractic work?

A: Chiropractic works because your bodily systems are controlled by your nervous system.  Instructions flow from your brain, down your spinal cord to every organ and tissue.  Your body sends signals back to the brain to communicate information about how the body is working.  Improper positioning of the bones of the spine, which a chiropractor calls a subluxation, can interfere with this exchange of information. This can affect the function of organs and tissues throughout the body.  Specific spinal adjustments can remove the interference.  This often leads to improved health due to improved nervous system control of the body.

Q: How do you get subluxations?

A: Stress!  There are three types of stress that can cause a subluxation – chemical, emotional, and physical.  Chemical stress could include alcohol, drugs, pollution, and poor diet.  Emotions like grief, anger, and fear create stress.  Physical causes may include slips, falls, accidents, and repetitive motions.

Q: How do I know if I have a subluxation?

A: You may have a subluxation and not even know.  Symptoms are often the last thing to show up, even when a disease process has been around for a long time.  A spinal check-up by a chiropractor is the only way to truly tell if you have a subluxation.

Q: Do I have a slipped disc?

A: This is a term commonly used to refer to a variety of disc problems.  However, a disc can not slip because of the way it attaches to the spinal bones.  A disc can bulge, herniate, tear, thin, dry out, and collapse, but it can not slip.

Q: Do I have a pinched nerve?

A: The word pinched is often used because it is so descriptive.  When a vertebrae is misaligned, the nerves may be irritated, compressed, or stretched.  These would be more accurate terms, even though it can really feel like something is being pinched in there!  These misaligned vertebrae can then interfere in the messages being sent back and forth between your brain and body.

Q: What is an adjustment?

A: A chiropractic adjustment is a quick thrust to a specific bone in a specific direction for the purpose of removing nerve interference.  This adjustment is done by a doctor’s hands, an instrument, or a special table.

Q: Are chiropractic adjustments safe?

A: Chiropractic is a very conservative healthcare choice.  We don’t put anything into the body and we don’t take anything out of your body.  Studies show that adjustments are about 100 times safer than an over-the-counter pain reliever.

Q: What makes the sound during an adjustment?

A: Fluid and air can build up in the joint spaces of a misaligned joint.  When the joint is moved during an adjustment, a sound is sometimes produced as the fluid and air shift.  The sound is not an indication of the quality or value of the adjustments.

Q: Can I adjust myself?

A: No.  Your joints may pop but this is not an adjustment.  Adjustments are very specific movements to specific bones and it takes years to master the art of performing.

Q: How many adjustments will I need?

A: The number varies with each patient and their own personal health goals.  Visits are usually more frequent in the beginning of care and become less often as your spine stabilizes.

Q: How long until I’ll feel better?

A: Sometimes relief is almost instant.  For others, it can take weeks or months.  Many things affect the healing process.  How long have you had the problem? Are you keeping your appointments?  Do you smoke?  Are you in otherwise good condition?  Within a short per of time, most patients begin to notice progress.

Q: How long will I need chiropractic care?

A: This depends on what you want from your care.  Some patients choose short-term relief care just until their symptoms subside.  Other patients understand the value of continuing their care with periodic adjustments to maintain their health.  These periodic visits may help detect and resolve new problems before they become serious.  We offer the best care to everyone and you choose how much of it you want.

Q: Can I have chiropractic care after back surgery?

A: Yes.  The doctor may have to avoid the areas you have had surgery on, but surgery can affect mobility and stability in areas above and below the involved level.  These would be the areas of focus for your chiropractic care.

Q: Can patients with osteoporosis get chiropractic care?

A: Yes.  The doctor takes the unique circumstances of each patient into consideration when developing your care plan.  There are many ways to adjust the spine and the doctor can chose the best method for your particular condition.

Q: Will I receive any medications for my pain?

A: No.  Chiropractors do not dispense drugs.  We rely on natural methods for healing and pain relief.

Q: What if chiropractic care doesn’t work?

A: If we are not able to find and correct the cause of your health problem, we will refer you to a specialist who may be able to help you.  Your health is our primary goal.

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